feature upgraded 12th March 2024
Let's say you want to find out which bikes are involved in upcoming reservations so your mechanics can prepare them.
You can use the Prep List button in the maintenance area.
Let's take a more detailed look at this example printout;
You will note the following.
depending on which of the four quick search buttons you use:
- Broken (show broken bikes)
- Messages (show bikes with post-rental feedback)
- Due (show bikes due for service - Service Points less than 50%)
- Prep List (bikes in upcoming reservations)
....different columns will be displayed / hidden accordingly.
Here we are looking at the Prep List. Given that we're talking about bikes in upcoming reservations you will see a Reservation section opens up with the following information
- Reference: the name (and link to) the reservation in question
- Reservation Duration: how long is the rental for
- Reservation Start: the reservation start date
- per bike (for each bike / item in your reservation
- we show the rider information, bike information, maintenance and exstras
What's on your list (of bikes in upcoming reservations)?
We use a 'horizon' of between 1 and 14 days (your choice by using the slider)
We don't include any reservations (or rather bikes in them) for reservations that are already checked out or checked in or already started.
Quick video tour of this feature:
Printing out your list
This list can also be printed by pressing the print icon.