Extras are additional items (real or virtual) that you may sell alongside your rental items.

e.g. a lock or insurance.

There are 2 types of extra:

  • Extras - e.g. a special set of pedals - it goes with a particular bike. (item level extra)
  • Add-Ons - e.g. a delivery fee.  The entire order gets delivered not just a bike. (reservation level extra)

Here is an example of an item level extra in your customer booking page:

When a customer is choosing an item, they are offered your extras (that you say are compatible with this bike).

(this customer has chosen 3 - one of which was already defaulted to on)

Then, when they proceed and view the cart they will be listed next to the item in the cart:

When they are looking at the cart they can choose to add any Reservation Extras.

(again you decide if your store is going to offer any)

If your customer does choose to add Reservation Extras to their booking they will be shown a screen like this with your choices:

See Also

extras overview 

setting up Reservation Level Extras 

extra compatibility

what about taking tips / gratuity ?