Extras are optional non-core rental items that you sell (or rent) alongside your core inventory.
e.g. a helmet, pedals, insurance, lights
Some folks even use it for more 'abstract' things:
mountain ski pass, shuttle ride, cycling jersey, water bottle
They can now be at two levels:
- the Item level (EXTRA)
- or the Reservation Level (ADD-ON)
They appear in your online booking alongside your rental items.
Please note that this example shows Item Level Extras.
For Reservation Level Extras, please consult this article.
here is how extras look on the legacy OBW (online booking wizarsd)
Plus they appear in your back office:
You can charge for them or they can be free.
You decide which extras apply to which type of bike.
Please Note:
- extras do not count towards your inventory count (BRM subscription)
- however extras do not track your inventory - so you need to have 'an unlimited supply'
See Also
Setting up Reservation Level Extras
your extras compatibility matrix - which products can have which extras