You may want to collect electronic signatures from your customers via email - without having to meet them in person at all.

Of course, you will have to do your own risk assessment of whether or not you want to operate your business in this way without perhaps meeting your customers in person during the signature step.

BRM takes no liability for any losses incurred due to the use of this feature.

You have two ways to collect signatures in BRM;

manual - decide to send them an email

automatic - update your auto-response notifications (to online bookings) to include an electronic signature link


You can choose to email an ad-hoc email to your Customer.

Select 'Include electronic signature link' option below

Your customer will be sent an email with a link to sign waiver;


you can modify your auto-responses to include the signature line;

Settings > notifications > content

When you have done one of the above methods your customers will start receiving electronic signature links

When they click on the link they will be able to access a simple page which lets them add their signature:

You customer will have to check the box to state they have accepted your Terms and Waiver.

When they press 'sign' it will record their signature against their customer account - linked to their Reservation.

See Also

Customising the Reservation List Panel to show electronically signed reservations