
Glossary of Terms / Key concepts
The table below describes the key concepts of BRM, you will find these symbols throughout BRM2.0. Inventory Category TOP level of your hierarchy. Th...
Thu, 29 Feb, 2024 at 9:59 AM
'layers' in BRM
BRM is a very sophisticated system with many capabilities. The core of BRM is all about managing the rental lifecycle and all that entails: inventory ...
Wed, 13 Mar, 2024 at 9:07 AM
User Roles and Privileges
User Roles Each user has a role, which defines which parts of the system they can access. Basic - for 'Saturday' staff - the ability to make &...
Fri, 2 Jul, 2021 at 5:16 PM
Switch Store function
If your organisation has multiple stores, and if your user id has the 'Switch Store' privilege you will be able to switch stores within your organis...
Thu, 14 Oct, 2021 at 4:25 PM
Logging in to BRM 2.0
We now have a single, smart login page: https://bikerentalmanager.com/brm-2-0-sign-in/ We say smart because you don't need to know if your serve...
Fri, 31 Dec, 2021 at 11:45 AM
Getting Help on BRM
If you require any support then please use the link on the bottom left of the application; (one press to open the help widget, one press to close it) ...
Tue, 20 Feb, 2024 at 1:07 PM
Using Multiple profiles in your browser
More and more people are living and working through their browser.  You check your mail, your social media, perhaps a travel site all living in the cloud....
Wed, 24 Jun, 2020 at 5:04 PM
dashboard - on the home page
When your store has progressed to the LIVE phase of onboarding you will see a HOME page something like this: It is a grid with 4 sections: Chec...
Tue, 23 Jun, 2020 at 4:04 PM
in-application messaging system
Sometimes we need to communicate important messages about your account. We use the in-app messaging system to communicate with any accounts with the role o...
Mon, 20 Jul, 2020 at 12:36 PM
The BRM implementation hierarchy
setting up large shops on BRM If you have a large operation (more than a few hundred bikes for example) you may want to consider the following. Yo...
Tue, 22 Dec, 2020 at 2:06 PM