First go to Settings > Beaming & Self-registration > Registered devices.

You can either add a new kiosk to use as a public kiosk or modify an existing kiosk.

Adding a new public kiosk

  1. Click the add new button on the top right to bring up the detail page.
  2. Enter a Kiosks ID (this can be anything you like) and a description.
  3. Enable the "Public device" slider, no pin code is needed.
  4. If you wish the kiosk to be active immediately, make sure the "Enabled" slider is also turned on.

Hit save to create the kiosk and you'll see a new entry created in the kiosk table on the previous page:

Next, you'll want to make the link to the kiosk available to your customers. There are two options for this,

  1. For customers using laptops or devices without a camera, you can send over the link to the kiosk (for example in an email or include it on other customer communications). This is given in the kiosk table under "Online link".
  2. For devices with cameras, you can print off a QR code which can then be scanned using the default camera app on iOS or Android to bring up the kiosk. To access the QR, click the name of the kiosk table to bring up the detail page. You'll then see the QR code with the option to print:

Changing an existing kiosk to public

Changing an existing private kiosk to public is as easy as:

  1. Click on the kiosk name in the kiosk table to bring up the detail page.
  2. Enable the "Public device" slider. The pin number will then be greyed out but retained in case you want revert the kiosk to private at a later date.