The help carousels are there to help you with information specific to the stage your store is in.

For example, we do different carousels for each of the 3 onboarding phases.

Use the left and right arrows to navigate to other topics.  We may include links to other KB articles for a more in-depth explanation.

Most of the tips relate to a specific task you need to perform to complete this phase of onboarding.

  • setup - setup specific information
  • ready - information to help you get your store ready to go live
  • live - we give you Top Tips to help you get the most from the system

A few examples

Setup phase - getting the basics setup

Here you can see 3 setup tasks are still outstanding.

The carousel article currently displayed relates to 'Add Bikes' task;

Ready phase - getting ready to go live;

Live phase - when you are live we display your 'dashboard' but we also display a top tips carousel to help you get the most out of the system.

e.g. "Did you know when you are on the Reservation List Panel, a double click directly opens the detail panel?"