The Content Panel is all about customising the actual email content you send in response to certain events:

You can choose which message you are looking at with the menu at the top.

Then change the subject and content of each message

The checkbox below is used to set whether or not this notification is on or off.

There are currently 7 messages that BRM sends to your customers;

Provisional - optional automated response to a provisional online booking

Confirmed - automated response to confirmed online or manual for back office bookings.

Pre-Rental - send automatically in the morning on the start of the rental

Pre-Return - [coming soon] an optional reminder before they are due to return items.

Post rental - when you want to follow up and see how they found your service

Adhoc - when you're in a reservation and want to communicate about that reservation with that customer

Cancellation - when a booking is cancelled to notify the customer

Registration - confirms the creation of an account when a customer first registers on the booking page

So how do these settings affect the content of the emails?

Please see this example:

  • In red: email subject and content
  • in blue: store logo and reservation details

First of all, unique to emails. (red in the example above)

  1. the subject goes in the subject line of the email and is repeated at the top of the email below logo and address. 
  2. the content goes next in the email.  (it can be customised from the content panel)

Secondly, the rest of the content is shared with what is printed out when you hit print. (blue in the above)

A. the shop name, shop logo, shop address, shop number.   See store details

B. remaining 'reservation printout' data: reservation details, waiver etc. See customizing print details


You may want to control which placeholders you use in your communications with customers.  You do that with placeholder tags.  For example, if you want to send the example shown above:

Provisional Booking Aug0005-21

you will want to include the placeholder as follows in your email subject:

Provisional Booking {{reservation-reference}}

Full list of placeholders:


Reservation Reference


First Name


Last Name

Using placeholders is a good idea in order to:

  1. get the maximum open rates of your emails.  It is less likely to be considered junk / spam if it has personalized information
  2. provide a more personal experience for your customers

See Also

Notifications overview

Notifications advanced - customising the detail of what we print for a reservation

Maximising your email deliverability

Settings store details like logo, address, phone number etc