Let's just say that you have 3 devices paired to BRM in your bike shop.

  • 2 samsung tablets and one laptop.

You have them placed at various places around your shop for customers to sign in and sometimes to beam to.

Here is how your configuration looks in the back office;

We recommend using different pins per devices to avoid any issues.

The first time you connect each device (see here) you will have to enter the PIN code.

But BRM then remembers this device's link by using a token ID that is stored in the device's browsers local storage.  This keeps your device secure, and saves you having to re-enter the PIN code each time (for up to a month at a time)

Make sure you label up you devices as you will need to use the right URL for the right device each time.

Then when you're beaming you will know where to send it to:

Here is how that will look as a diagram.

Each device has its own URL which it uses to connect.  And when connected each will have its own secret token (to avoid having to type in the PIN code each time)

But what happens if I change device?

Let's say that one day I come into the store and I forget which samsung is which (coz I forgot to label them!). 

So I actually use the samsung2 URL, but on the samsung1.


Then you will have to do the PIN code.  If you succeed with the samsung2 PIN code then you'll have a new samsung2, but of you course you'll have also invalidated your connection to samsung1 too

So it is well worth

  1. putting stickers on your devices
  2. bookmarking the URL on that device so you always connect with the same one!