If you want to take payments online (or even get your customers to simply leave a credit card), then you need to configure a payment processor.

You have two choices:

  1. Stripe - take payments online OR store card details securely for later payment
  2. Paypal - take payments online

In both cases, you will need to set up an account with that provider.

This is free - but each provider will charge a % of each transaction, which varies depending on your transaction volume, where are you are in the world and sometimes what card your customer uses.

Both are extremely high-quality processors and offer very competitive rates - which is why we use them.

But it is worth noting that commission rates for taking online transactions (compared to in-store 'card-present' transactions) are a little higher.  You are paying for the convenience of online payments and the increased fraud risk it implies.

If you really don't want to pay for the convenience (and increased efficiency) that online payment provides then we do have a suggestion that some clients use.

Use Stripe, and take zero deposit for online bookings.  (this is entirely FREE)

Then when your customers arrive in-store get them to pay using your in-store card processor (likely from your bank or merchant services provider).

full details here

Don't forget to move out of TEST mode before you go live.  (see this article if you are using Stripe)

See Also

Setting up Stripe 

Setting up Paypal 

Favouring online bookings (deposit) but payment in-store