The Online Advanced page contains more advanced options to customize all the detailed behaviors of online booking. The majority of users will never visit this page and leave the options as default.
Go to Setting > Online > Advanced and you'll see something similar to the below:
Below is a brief description of these options.
Auto-Allocate (default = ON)
ON: Specific items are automatically allocated when online bookings are taken.
OFF: Specific items are not allocated to online bookings and must be done manually.
Discount codes
Enable your customers to enter discount codes when booking online.
HIVO/Regular Booking mode (default = HIVO)
Controls how customers select product online. HIVO stands for HIgh VOlume and this mode displays quantity dropdowns whereas Regular mode uses radio buttons.
Redirect Parent Page & URL
Allows customers to be redirected to a specific page once their booking is complete.
If the toggle "Redirect Parent Page" is ‘on’, it redirects the entire page for an embedded OBW. If it is ‘off’, it will only redirect within the iframe.
Font Family
For example: 'Quicksand', sans-serif
Font URL
For example:
Custom Online CSS
If you wish to make significant changes to the styling of the online booking page, you can specify modifications in CSS here. Note: this will likely require the expertise of a web developer.
Google Analytics Tracking Code
If you have a Google Analytics account, you can link it to the online booking page by pasting in the tracking code. This code will have the format UA-XXXXXXXXX-1.
Custom CSS URL
Another option for modifying the style of the online booking page. Link to a URL hosting the CSS you wish to apply. Note: this will likely require the expertise of a web developer.
Multi location OBW show stores
If you have more than one location, this option shows or hides locations as pick up/drop off to customers in online booking.