Shop Opening / Closing Hours - Settings 2.0
You're going to want to specify which days you're open (and closed) for business, especially if you're doing online booking. Furthermore you may have varying opening hours across the week which you'd like to specify.
Please Note - you have two options:1. Per day 2. Simple (the default)
1. Per day opening hours
This is where you set your Opening hours.
system -> settings 2.0 -> general -> opening hours
Here's how you set your hours:
To get started, set your base times by entering your opening hours (e.g. 09:00 - 17:00), your lunchtime closing hours (e.g. 12:00 - 13:00).
Lunch time closing is optional, so leave blank if you do not close over lunch.
How about days when you're closed for holidays etc?
This is currently still managed in system -> settings -> shop setup -> shop closed details
If you have some dates that are exceptions then you simply add them in here:
Please note you can also enter Closed Date ranges.
This grid uses the same principles as adding Open days, so simply repeat the instructions above to add any exceptional dates you may be closed on.
The wizard will take into account your opening hours for any given day, AND will also look out for exceptional days when you might be closed.
Core hours
Your global hours manly apply to your back-office hours.
Here is where you specify your global hours: