You will want to make some test bookings online as soon as possible so you can get an idea of the flow.

First of all, visit your inventory page, (inventory > add manage items) and click on 'view online booking'

Or access it directly from the Channels icon:

You will see what your customers will see (when you have published it)

Choose a Category

Choose a bike size quantity within your chosen product family.  Add to Cart - for one or more selection.

Review your cart and extra selection.

When you're happy proceed to the checkout

The final steps are to:

Identify yourself (as a renter) and agreed to Terms and Conditions

  • guest registration
  • OR create client account

Once you have done that you may be invited to pay (if you have setup a payment gateway)

Payment is also optional - if you don't want to take payment at this stage you can get your customers to pay in-store.

Finally - you will want to go into your back-office and find your rental:

Reservations > Search Mode

in this example I hit the New Button which returned the online booking I just made:

See Also

customising your online booking colours etc

publishing your online booking 

guest checkout vs client registration 

setting a payment gateway 

advanced online customisation