If you can't log in to BRM it will probably be for one of the following reasons

Wrong Data Centre?

You are accessing the wrong servers, we have data centres in the USA (US) and Europe (EU)

Please bookmark this;

US: https://us.bikerentalmanager.com/app

EU: https://app.bikerentalmanager.com/app

But if you are using the new smart login (only BRM2.0) it will automatically redirect you to the right data centre.


Wrong email address?

Perhaps you have two email addresses or more.  You can only log into the one which has been invited to BRM

You don't have an account yet?

Perhaps you don't have an account at all yet on BRM.

To get an account either start a BRM free trial

Or ask your store admin to invite you to the store.

See Also

adding users to your store