We'd like to only show questions that are relevant to the type of item the customer is booking. (When our customer books a bike we would like to ask them bike-specific questions, when they book a ski we want to ask them ski -specific questions, etc etc.)
Right now we can only ask the same questions on each item or on each rental order (ski and snowboard questions both show if they add a ski to their cart) but preferably we could specify certain categories for each question.
We'd like to only show questions that are relevant to the type of item the customer is booking. (When our customer books a bike we would like to ask them bike-specific questions, when they book a ski we want to ask them ski -specific questions, etc etc.)
Right now we can only ask the same questions on each item or on each rental order (ski and snowboard questions both show if they add a ski to their cart) but preferably we could specify certain categories for each question.