There are two things for sure about managing a rental business.  It moves fast and it's unpredictable.
Your clients will do all sorts of things like be early, late and not show at all.  Meanwhile, your system must cope and you must never make double bookings, but never turning away business you could do either!

One common situation is an early return of a bike or entire reservation.
When this happens BRM automatically makes the bikes available to the next rental.

Take this scenario.  3 bikes booked for 5 days:
Sat > Weds inclusive

Then the customer returns the bikes early:

Finally, you can book 2 of the bikes out to the next person, now that the bikes are back.

Even if they were originally not scheduled to be returned until Weds;

Please note that the reservations can't actually overlap (same times)  The system will not allow it.

but it is perfectly valid to have a bike change over on same day.

  • First rental ends at 09:17 am
  • Next rental starts at 4:22pm

See Also

Early Individual Item return